Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Frozen - Let it Go YW Laurel Class Activity

For our weekly Laurel activity we held a "Frozen- Let it Go" Party.  The girls received  the following invitation and I asked them to think about every girl in our class and come up with something that is special or unique about them.  I didn't want - she's nice, she's cute, I really wanted them to come prepared to tell us specific things about the other Laurels and they did...

We decorated the room with snowflakes and I had made two banners.  One said "Magic Mirror" and  the other said, "Let it Go."  We served blue slush, snowflake sugar cookies and white chocolate dipped pretzels.

We started by talking about negative feelings we each have about ourselves.  Each girl wrote down all the things they hated about themselves, all the qualities they disliked about them and then we burned them up.  We actually went outside and lit them on fire.  I used a #10 can and each girl took turns throwing their papers into the can and saying "Let it Go."  The girls really loved this part of the activity.  We then came back in and I found a sing-a-long version of the song Let it Go from the movie Frozen and we played the song and sang it at the top of our lungs.

I then turned the evening around by telling them the story of the son of  King Louis the 16th.  He was kidnapped by evil men who had dethroned his father, the king.  These men knew if they could destroy him morally, he would not be heir to the throne.  For six months they subjected him to every vile thing life had to offer, and yet he never yielded under pressure.  This puzzled his captors, and after doing everything they could think of, they asked him why he had such great moral strength.  His reply was simple.  He said, "I cannot do what you ask, for I was born to be a king."

I told the YW that they are like the king's son, each of them have inherited a royal birthright.   Each of them have a divine heritage.  "They are literally the royal daughters of our Father in Heaven."  Each of them were born to be a Queen.

We then watched this Disney Princess Video

We talked about how much the world places so much emphasis on physical attractiveness and would have you believe that you are to look like the elusive model on the cover of a magazine.  The Lord would tell you that you are each uniquely beautiful.  When you are virtuous, chaste and morally clean, your inner beauty glows in your eyes and in your face.  Look into the mirror of eternity.  Remember who you are!!!  You are of noble birth.  Don't compromise your divine inheritance.

Chalkboard Activity

We had each the girls come and stand in front of the chalkboard with a banner that said "Magic Mirror" and then each other Laurel came up and wrote all the great things about the girls.  After the girls were done writing on the chalkboard we made the girl turn around and read out loud all the great things that were written about them.  I took their picture, printed it and put it in the frame for them to take home.

My Beautiful Laurels....

We finished the evening by watching the video
"I am a His Daughter" -EFY Song 2010

What a Fantastic Evening!!!!!

Love My Girls...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February Theme-Becoming Divine

This month our theme is "I am answering the call to Come Unto Christ and I am becoming Divine."


 You are a Daughter of a King Video

I received a blessing over 20 years ago, and I often refer to this promise given to me- “There will be times in your life Darcey when you need to be strengthened and to know your Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to be happy and to live a life filled with joy and peace.”  This prompted in me a greater desire to know my Heavenly Father, and to find out for a surety that I truly am His daughter and that He does love me, know me and want me to be happy.  My relationship with my Heavenly Father has helped me throughout my life, especially at the hardest times. 
Do you ever wonder if He knows who you are?  Do you ever wonder if He hears your prayers?  Do you know that you have a noble birthright, you are a daughter of a King?  The world works to confuse us, to make us feel like a nobody…but it is my testimony that you are a child of God and that He loves you!  Once you have gained this testimony for yourself, you will be inspired to become more and live up to your divine potential as his royal daughter.
You have inherited divine qualities.  As you strive to develop them, you will answer the call of our elder brother Jesus Christ, when He beckons you to “Come Unto Him”.  Knowing your heritage, developing a relationship with Heavenly Father and the Savior will help you throughout your life just as it has in mine.  I can promise you that!
Daughter of a king
The father's royalty
Heir to his divinity
He's calling your name
To come and take your place before his throne
He has always known
What he created you to be
A daughter of a king.
(Daughter of a King; Jenny Phillips)
We are truly daughters of our Heavenly Father, and He loves us perfectly and sees our great potential.  He is calling our name, to follow our Savior Jesus Christ and as we answer this great call, we will become as He is, we will become Divine.  

Youth Conference Reunion

Youth Conference Reunion

A couple weeks after YC we held a YM/YW Combined Activity to talk about YC and help the kids continue the goal of being on the same team.
(Same Family)

When the kids arrived we put them back into their teams.

We had them yell their team name and team cheer they had made up at YC and then we played the game "Balloon Stomp"  Each member of the team had a balloon the color of their team and tied it to their ankle.  The object of the game is to stomp on other team's balloons and pop them.  The last team with un-popped balloons, wins.  Wild and crazy, but lots of fun.

After we finished the game I spoke for a few minutes about Youth Conference and then showed a video of two young men, who under awful personal obstacles in their lives came to each other's aid and even though they were not brothers by blood, were true brothers, taking care of each other no matter what.

After the video, I talked to the kids about using Leroy and Dartanyon as examples for each of us.  How we should act with each other.  Where would they be right now if they had not been there for each other?  To update their story, both were able to attend college.

I then officially dis-banned the teams.  No more Green, Purple, Orange, Red or Blue teams.  We are all on the same team.  I made an official 9th Ward Team Flag and had everyone sign it, committing to being a member of the team and agreeing to look out for each other, to help each other and to always be there for each other.

We then watched our Youth Conference Video

To finish the evening we played Marshmallow Midget Ball.. You play baseball using marshmallows as the ball, spatulas as the bat and everyone has to play on their knees.

We finished the evening by serving Rice Krispie Treats - of course!!!